TicketCreator and BarcodeChecker update
Attention: Backup all your files (*.tiv, *.tic, *.tig, *.tir) in the TicketCreator subdirectories before installing an update! It is recommended to use zip archives for this purpose.
Update (contains TicketCreator and BarcodeChecker)
1.) Download the setup.
Setup (tc500setup.exe, size: 23.3 MB) |
version: 5.13.12 |
2.) Run the setup. A new activation is not required and your settings are kept.
3.) If you print tickets with barcodes and have installed BarcodeChecker on additional PCs, you must also update those PCs.
If you have a problem
TicketCreator requires a Windows PC (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11). Installation requires administrator rights. Contact your system administrator if necessary.
If you have questions or suggestions please contact info@ticketcreator.de